Everyone has their favourite sunset.
The hard day’s work, drink in hand sunset.
The local beach sunset.
The window seat sunset.
The holiday’s first drinks sunset.
The pool sunset.
The big game sunset.
The end of a theme park day sunset.
The long weekend sunset.
The rooftop bar sunset.
The tropical storm sunset.
The road trip sunset.
The outback sunset.
The back patio sunset.
The pre-drinks sunset.
The festival sunset.
The gone fishing sunset.
The campfire sunset.
The catching up with mates sunset.
The family weekend sunset.
It’s the collective of these sunsets and more, that house the memories we hold the closest.
Sunset Collective aims to capture this emotion and this feeling that your favourite collection of sunsets and moments in life give you. It’s what defines us and why we do what we do. To live for the next sunset, that next memory to add to the collective.
Sunset Collective. Est 2018.